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How can you effectively sell to someone when they can’t see you and you can’t see them? This year has provided an avalanche of challenges to businesses, but for salespeople specifically, the days of meeting in person and closing the deal feel like eons ago. That’s why Margaret Henney believes in video – and its power as a selling tool.
She’s the Director of Marketing at Covideo, the easiest way to record, send, and track personalized video emails through your favorite channels. Margaret joined us on Decision Point to share some helpful tips for salespeople when it comes to creating personalized videos for prospects and clients, as well as some insight into how video calls have changed the way we’re building trust and relationships with each other. Take a listen!
[00:00:00] Margaret: [00:00:00] You know, ultimately, I’ve said this so many times, but people buy from people that they like and people that they trust. And it is almost impossible to get to a place of liking someone and trusting someone if you can’t hear their voice and see their face.
[00:00:17] Brad: [00:00:17] Welcome to Decision Point, a podcast about mental toughness and overcoming adversity in sales. I’m Brad Seaman.
[00:00:26] Alright, I’m excited today to have the Director of Marketing from Covideo Margaret Henney. And if you’re not familiar with Covideo, it’s the easiest way to record, send, and track personalized video emails through your favorite channels.
[00:00:40] And one of the reasons why we wanted to have Margaret on here this afternoon is the workforce is changing dramatically as COVID has made its way through the business world and everybody’s been sent home and she’s going to really kind of highlight some of the things that are occurring in the [00:01:00] space and how video can help you overcome some of those challenges. And as we thought about it, um, though she’s not going to speak directly.
[00:01:11] To you, as it pertains to personal mental toughness, per se, is going to talk about how the environment has been impacted in how, as a company and as a sales team, the importance of really getting deep down into authenticity and being able to overcome some of the things that occur when you sharp feeling like you’re you’re losing and how to, how to gain an edge.
[00:01:39] Well, good afternoon. I’m excited to have Margaret Henney on the show. Who’s the Director of Marketing with Covideo. Margaret, how are you today?
[00:01:52] Margaret: [00:01:52] I’m good, Brad. Hey, it’s great chatting with you. Thanks for inviting me.
[00:01:55] Brad: [00:01:55] You bet. I’m super excited to hop in here and talk about [00:02:00] Covideo and talk a little bit about a work from home and adversity and all the things that are happening in our, our environment today.
[00:02:06] So why don’t you go ahead and start by talking a little bit about, um, Covideo in the solution and then a little bit about your role and then we’ll hop in and get into the deep questions.
[00:02:19] Margaret: [00:02:19] You got it. Okay. Sounds good. So, uh, Covideo is a video messaging platform. So for anyone who’s not familiar, um, mostly we’re working with folks on the, on the B2B side, uh, where people are able to record a quick.
[00:02:34] Personalized video, they do that. You’ll just from their web cam on their computer, or maybe through our mobile app on, on their phone. And then they’re able to send that through email, through text message through social media or your CRM, lots of different ways. Um, we’ve also got screen recording capabilities, um, but it’s great.
[00:02:52] Cause then you’ve got the ease of, of connecting with people face to face when you can’t be in person with them, which you know, is kind of the, uh, [00:03:00] The name of the game these days. Um, and you get lots of great tracking and analytics and cool stuff on it like that. So that’s a kind of in a nutshell, what we, what we do at Covideo.
[00:03:11] Brad: [00:03:11] And then who are some of the markets that you guys focus on specifically?
[00:03:15] Are there any specific niches that you guys find video to be more tailored to.
[00:03:21] Margaret: [00:03:21] I wouldn’t say that if there’s any one that’s particularly better than the other, there’s definitely some that, that, um, you know, we’ve been, um, in for a while, uh, specifically automotive. Um, that’s more on the B2C side though.
[00:03:35] Um, but then real estate mortgage. Sales teams of all kinds. We’re starting to work more in the higher education space, particularly with like admissions teams. I mean, you know, their bread and butter was inviting prospective students and their families and, uh, you know, to, to the campus and doing tours and meet and greets.
[00:03:55] Well, you know, none of that is. Going on here right now. So, um, so we feel [00:04:00] really lucky and in a time that’s been really difficult and, you know, we’ve certainly had some of our own challenges, but we feel like we’ve been able to be part of the solution. Um, and, and we feel really blessed about that.
[00:04:12] Brad: [00:04:12] That’s awesome. What do you think the biggest, so talk a little bit about, you know, the podcast kind of the root here is adversity in overcoming adversity and sales. Um, currently. The sales environment has had a significant amount of adversity. So everybody’s been sent home. In most cases, people are working from home.
[00:04:37] They’re trying to juggle their personal life and their professional life. Can you speak a little bit about that transition then? Maybe some of the needs that you’re seeing. That people are sure to having out of that, whether that be, you know, more social interaction or you can just sort of talk through some, uh, some of your thoughts on that.
[00:04:56] Margaret: [00:04:56] Yeah, absolutely. Man. There’s all kinds of material there. We could go on [00:05:00] about that for a while. So, um, you know, it’s funny that you say that because I’m. Joining you from my guest bedroom, which is now my, my office. So we’ve been doing the whole work from home thing as well, uh, at co video. And you certainly for us and for, you know, so many people, it wasn’t an easy transition.
[00:05:17] We feel really lucky again to have our cover jobs and, um, and, and to be helping people, um, I would say, um, you know, When you’re in sales, you gotta be pretty nimble anyway, and it’s never an easy restaurant. Your laurels kinda hang out, come, come as you are job. It’s never like that. Um, so I don’t think salespeople are, um, It’s not foreign to them to have that kind of adversity and have to really pull themselves up from their bootstraps.
[00:05:48] So they’re already in some ways in a good position for that mentally. Um, but working from home is tough. Um, you know, certainly a lot of people, um, You know, even if you do [00:06:00] have email and phone calls, you know, some people would, you know, fly to meet people they’d have face to face conversation. You know, they would have conferences or trade shows, all that is on hold here right now.
[00:06:12] So I think people have done a pretty good job. We made the switch to video so very quickly, right. Through things like. Zoom and those live video conferencing. And if that’s something that people didn’t have on their radar before, they certainly do, now they’ve had to adjust. Um, and that’s something that, you know, in the software world we’ve used, uh, for a long time.
[00:06:34] Um, but it’s nothing that people, a lot of folks weren’t willing to do just on their own. They’ve definitely had their hand forced into it. Um, but I think they’re starting to see some of the benefits of that now. Um, You know, in terms of being able to connect with someone and see their face and hear their voice, you know, that’s what we’re all about at co video.
[00:06:55] Um, you know, certainly those live meetings, you know, that’s something that we have to [00:07:00] do all the time, but what do you do when you never met that person before? When you haven’t built that trust, you haven’t built that relationship there just yet. You can’t go knocking on their door and you certainly can’t just send them a random invite to join a zoom meeting.
[00:07:15] Yeah. That’s when it’s really, really helpful to be able to record those utilized message kind of on demand and send it over to them. Um, and it’s a great way to start. You know, one, differentiate yourself, but start building that relationship and building that trust because, you know, ultimately I’ve said this so many times, but people buy from people that they like and people that they trust.
[00:07:38] And it is almost impossible to get to a place of liking someone and trusting someone if you yet hear their voice and see their, so we’re, we’re trying to give people another tool in their toolbox. When we, right now, it’s pretty limited.
[00:07:53] Brad: [00:07:53] Yeah, I think that’s a really big, you know, salespeople in my experience typically fall in and the [00:08:00] two, two categories being really good on the phone and being really good face to face.
[00:08:07] And sometimes, you know, making that transition to having people see you and being on camera can be a real significant challenge. Do you have any tips for us who might be a really good phone salesperson and they’re just struggling and trying to make that transition to video.
[00:08:29] Margaret: [00:08:29] Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. Now this is a little, a little bit easier said than done, I think at first, but my, my biggest biggest piece of advice is to be yourself.
[00:08:40] Um, you know, rather than, you know, that kind of, um, That wall that is up there. I think they are. That used to be that starting to come down now, after, after COVID with that super professionalism, I think that’s something that is actually, um, it’s gone by the wayside that Uber professionalism, where we have to be [00:09:00] perfect.
[00:09:01] We have to, you know, look the part we have to be, you know, right on, on top of things. Cause now, you know, we’re, like I said, joined people from their, their bedrooms, their kitchen, their. Kids and their pets are crawling on them and all that sort of thing. We’ve had to, you know, be okay with that. And I think it’s a good thing because we can get past that sort of steely exterior, get to know each other as people and say, Hey, let’s, let’s talk.
[00:09:25] Right. Let’s get down to it and get past some of the, some of the BS. Um, so I would say, you know, certainly just embrace being yourself because, um, You know, your, your greatest asset and your biggest differentiator, you know, it’s so much less about your product and really about you. Of course, that’s not a new idea to think that, Hey, that’s, that’s who people are buying is is you and you have your own brand and your own identity.
[00:09:51] So, you know, let that, let that come through.
[00:09:54] Brad: [00:09:54] Now, I know there’s some really strong stats there about the impact of [00:10:00] video in the sales cycle. So if you keep your, your, your zoom meeting on are you are you’re interacting with a co video or a similar product. Can you, do you have any of those stats off the top of your head?
[00:10:13] Do you know the kinds of impacts. The video has been in the sales cycle.
[00:10:18] Margaret: [00:10:18] I’m the director of marketing. I better have those stats. Right? So this is going to be specific to video messaging. Um, you know, I, I don’t have them in terms of live video, however, for anyone, you know, people who are listening, who are, um, who don’t turn on their camera when they’re having a zoom meeting, No shame, shame, shame, turn it on.
[00:10:39] Because one people are going to connect with you a lot better. They’re also going to pay attention a whole lot better. So, you know, make sure you’re pulling that camera up. But, um, for people who are using video messaging, and this is a comparison between video and then plain text emails say, um, It helps increase your open rates by about [00:11:00] 19%, um, your click through rates, uh, by 65% and then response rates we’re even seeing, going up by around 200%.
[00:11:10] Um, and a lot of that is, you know, based on cold messages that are going out, which, you know, sometimes are man, that’s tough to beat down the door there, but the reason it’s so effective is because people can see right. Hey, you know, Brad or Joe or Jane or whoever made this message just for me, they’re talking directly to me.
[00:11:28] That’s totally different than anything I’ve seen out there. Way more engaging. And just by being able to see them and hear them, you start to build that connection and build that trust is as humans, you know, it’s just something that we almost can’t help ourselves. We’re wired for connection. Um, you know, so when, when we see someone, it gives you those, those warm fuzzies that you need to be able to get your foot in the door.
[00:11:50] Brad: [00:11:50] Yeah, I I’ve found that, you know, particularly if you’re just, if you’re talking about video and you’re talking about meeting and there’s obviously been a [00:12:00] increase in, you know, now Zoom is how we would really talk about any, any. Any meeting is, Hey, we’re doing a Zoom, whether you’re using
[00:12:10] Margaret: [00:12:10] Kleenex of tissues.
[00:12:12] Brad: [00:12:12] Right. And got it into the vernacular. I know the first couple, I think the biggest challenge in live video, um, is that it’s the first couple of minutes of awkwardness, but that sort of exists. Even if you’re in a normal meeting, you know, there’s a, we first meet somebody and you don’t know them. There’s that.
[00:12:32] Couple minutes of sort of trying to grab around it to, to figure out how this is going to go and how everybody’s going to feel.
[00:12:39] Margaret: [00:12:39] Yeah, I totally agret. Gosh, that’s the same, even when you’re, like you said, when you’re in person with somebody, right. Um, you know, where, where are we going to go from here?
[00:12:47] But I would just say, you know, being. Being as genuine as possible and approaching any conversation that you’re having with with genuine curiosity as [00:13:00] well. Right. You know, a lot of times it’s kind of like, you know, not, um, When we’re listening, we want to listen instead of waiting to talk. It’s the same thing when we’re starting a conversation, instead of thinking about, Hey, how come and I drive this?
[00:13:13] Where can I steer this? How can I manipulate this? People smell that a mile away they’re smart. You know, they can tell when someone is not being genuine and authentic and on the flip side, When they see it, they feel it right away and it puts everybody at ease. Um, and it lets you have a whole lot more productive conversation.
[00:13:32] So approaching all of those new conversations with genuine curiosity is a big piece of advice.
[00:13:39] Brad: [00:13:39] Now, do you think, you know, as it pertains to video email, um, what do you think some of the, what are the do’s and don’ts, what are the things? So my team we’re sending out video emails, what are some of the things we should do?
[00:13:51] What are some of the things that we shouldn’t do.
[00:13:53] Margaret: [00:13:53] Yeah, there’s going to be, um, a couple different, uh, some differences depending upon, you know, what your role is, [00:14:00] what your industry is, what the life cycle is, you know, like for instance, someone who’s using it for sales, which is what I’m going to focus on here just a second, but they will use it differently than someone who’s using video.
[00:14:11] Say for account management. Or for support or for, you know, hiring. Um, and we see people using it for all those different ways, but let’s, let’s talk about sales and focus on that here first and foremost. Um, I think it’s important to use video early on in the process. Don’t have it be like some hail Mary that you wait until the end, just cause you don’t want to get in front of the camera.
[00:14:33] Because the sooner people can see you and connect with you the better. And that’s going to give your other followup emails or messages, you know, a lot better chance to, of getting, getting, read and listened to. Um, the other thing is, particularly if this is a cold conversation, you haven’t had, you haven’t met or really haven’t talked to each other a lot, keep your message pretty short.
[00:14:55] And to the point, um, I would say 30 to 45 seconds is [00:15:00] kind of the sweet spot where you want to be at. Um, and, uh, and along those same lines, um, I think this is something that salespeople struggle at. Hang. Sometimes we are tempted to talk about, you know, things like, you know, if I’m writing a cold email, Hey, here are accolades.
[00:15:17] And we’ve been in business for this long. And we work with these other people. They don’t care. They just don’t care to be perfectly honest. They want to know how you’re going to help them and make their, their life or their job better and easier. So I say, get to that point, that value statement very, very early on, um, and, and make it about them and always given a strong call to action.
[00:15:41] Um, Yeah, I, I have to coach myself on this myself, but staying away from weak language, like, Hey, I’m just checking in or I, um, this or that, you know, just as kind of a no, no word, but, um, I would recommend given a strong call to action and saying, Hey, this is something [00:16:00] you want to learn more about, or that you struggle with.
[00:16:02] It’d be really important for us to have a conversation about it, to see how we can address that for ya, you know, sooner rather than later.
[00:16:09] Brad: [00:16:09] Awesome. Do you have, um, what are they, what are the absolute no-nos?
[00:16:13] Margaret: [00:16:13] Yeah, I would say absolute no-nos would be, um, droning on for a really long time. Um, they would be, um, sometimes this is kind of a difficult one, but just like generally set up the camera in sort of a pleasing way, right.
[00:16:31] Where you’re making eye contact. You don’t want to look at yourself while you’re recording it. Cause then it gives the feeling like you’re not making eye contact. Um, Also like any of our tools out there, right. We can overdo it on phone calls. We can overdo it on emails. Every single email that you send out does not need to be a video.
[00:16:49] It definitely should not. So thinking about it strategically and how it fits into your outbound cadence, um, and being thoughtful about that early [00:17:00] on, I think is also really important.
[00:17:02] Brad: [00:17:02] Now, do you have any funny stories about, you know, the client videos? I would imagine you’ve got some, some maybe like comical character to you about.
[00:17:12] Margaret: [00:17:12] Well, I don’t know that I necessarily do about, about clients. Um, you know, I’ve heard them tell some themselves, but you know, we’re not going in there necessarily poking around in their videos. You know, I would be curious too, but, um, um, I would say. And this is kind of just a, a weird thing, but like the less perfect your video, um, the more, the higher likelihood that you’re going to get a response back.
[00:17:39] And I don’t mean that in that, like, you know, you totally fumble up and you call them by the wrong name or, you know, whatever. But the ones that I get people responding to me are the ones where like, you know, when we were working out of the office, we’ve got an office dog. Um, that’s our president’s dog. Uh, Emma.
[00:17:55] And Emma would like be walking back and forth or like, you know, trying to, you know, [00:18:00] get me a Peder while I’m recording these videos. Or one of my colleagues walks behind me who says something dumb, or, you know, now my, now my boyfriend does the same and I think you would be tempted to stop that video and start over and make it really polished.
[00:18:16] I can’t tell you how many times when I just roll with and send that video, people would be like, Hey, there’s a dog behind you in that video. Who is that? Or, you know, it’s just that feeling of you letting them know that you’re human people connect with that because know there’s nothing relatable about perfectionism.
[00:18:34] Um, so, so the less perfect, honestly, the veteran and those have been some of my, the best starters, just some of my conversations is when I send, you know, Kind of a less than perfect video, I guess.
[00:18:45] Brad: [00:18:45] Now I got two questions for you. The first one is why do you think it’s so difficult for salespeople to be authentic?
[00:18:52] You know, there’s a, there’s a real veneer, I think initially when you get into video of wanting to be guarded, why do you think that is?
[00:19:00] [00:19:00] Margaret: [00:19:00] Um, you know, I think it’s because, um, we’re competitive and, um, And we, we, we want to be like, you know what I mean? Like it’s like, we love that, that validation in some ways. So, you know, I think we typically salespeople do a good job of reading other people, um, and mimicking that back to them.
[00:19:22] Sometimes that can be effective when it’s done with good intention. Um, But if not, um, you know, it’s something that, that gets smelled out pretty quickly. So I wouldn’t say that that’s specific to salespeople and say, we’re probably known for it, but you know, anybody, you know, they, they kind of want to put, put forward their best foot.
[00:19:45] Um, And it can be hard to, to have some humility sales people certainly are not known for their humility. Right. Um, and, and you have to have some humility and as you were about yourself, if you’re going to be authentic
[00:19:58] Brad: [00:19:58] Now, I recently [00:20:00] saw, uh, to my second question here, I recently saw a picture of a 1950s Oklahoma football game, and everyone was dressed in suit and ties.
[00:20:10] And if you look at the recent. Uh, Oklahoma, uh, picture, uh, I think it was probably six or 12 months ago that I saw this kind of pre pre COVID and there were so crowds. Um, everybody’s pretty casual. So do you think that we’ll see a re insurgence of. Business professional come back. Or do you think that the casual workforce is kind of here to stay?
[00:20:36] Margaret: [00:20:36] I very much think the casual workforce is here to stay. Um, I think, um, now, you know, there’s always something to say for, um, You know, looking, uh, putting your, your best foot forward and, you know, taking, uh, presenting something that says, Hey, I take you seriously. I take her conversation seriously. And whatever your challenges are, you know, I’m serious [00:21:00] about that, but I don’t take myself too seriously.
[00:21:03] Um, you know what I wear, doesn’t have to say anything about the quality of work that I do. Um, and we’ve definitely seen that it’s been. Uh, very much, um, elevated here in times of working from home. Um, and I, I think that’s, that’s here to stay, which I love because this is probably TMI, but if I never had to wear shoes again, I would be the happiest person on the planet.
[00:21:28] Like I just, I, I don’t like that whole, like be too stuffy and professional and all that. So, um, so it suits me just fine.
[00:21:37] Brad: [00:21:37] You and my wife both. My wife doesn’t like to wear shoes either.
[00:21:44] So one of the, the things that I think about is it’s probably important to really think about what your, what your own personality is. I think we can all tell when somebody’s not dressed to match their, you know, they’re not being maybe authentic. So, you know, if you’re, if [00:22:00] you’ve got to bend to being more.
[00:22:02] You know, buttoned up. Do you think, would you coach somebody on throwing a tee shirt on any ways or do you think they should sorta lean in to what they’re they’re natural.
[00:22:13] Margaret: [00:22:13] Yeah, I would absolutely lean into whatever feels like true and aligned for you. So if that is a three piece suit, then do it. Or if that is athleisure, then do it.
[00:22:27] You know, that’s, that’s up to you. I would never tell someone to, to dress down just to kinda fill apart and follow the trend. Um, You know, whatever. Um, and it’s the same thing. Actually, I’ve gotten this question from people a lot when you know, being on video. I think a lot of people have the idea at first that it has to be incredibly polished.
[00:22:46] And they’re thinking about, you know, marketing videos or advertising videos, you know, the ones that we see on TV or on people’s websites or different campaigns, this is totally different. This is more of, I encourage people [00:23:00] to think of it like a video voicemail, right? Just leaving somebody a voicemail or send him an email saying the same thing I’ve had, plenty of people say.
[00:23:08] Hey, what can I do to get creative? Or do you recommend being funny in my videos? And I’m like dead giveaway. Humor is probably not your strong suit. Right. Which is totally fine. Everyone has their, you know, their things that they’re good at. And, uh, and, and the things that maybe they feel less comfortable in, but forced, forced humor, forced, um, sort of, um, You know, something that’s like a little bit catchy.
[00:23:35] There’s no reason to do that unless it comes naturally for you. So, you know, same advice for things to wear. Um, but definitely that, that brings up a definition. Don’t is if, if you were, it doesn’t come naturally to you, if you don’t feel comfortable in that space. Don’t try to make a funny video. You’re just going to feel awkward.
[00:23:52] And so will the person you send it to.
[00:23:56] Brad: [00:23:56] So, so transitioning slightly here, [00:24:00] I read a post, um, from a guy named Jake Dunlop from a consulting practice called Scaled. And he said that about two years ago, they moved away from some of their traditional marketing strategies, which were revolved around case studies and video testimonials.
[00:24:19] And they moved to a more social approach where they started really kind of dialoguing on, on the internet and they still continued to provide the, um, case studies, but they, they unlocked and stopped worrying about getting clicks and downloads. The combination of social in the combination of video, you feel like that’s creating a little bit of a marketing revolution, I guess, that changing the way we do marketing.
[00:24:50] Margaret: [00:24:50] Yeah. I mean, absolutely right. Cause people are, are right there at our fingertips and in front of it all the time. Um, so I think that [00:25:00] also has something to do with this trend towards a little bit more of a casual, conversational, um, much more grassroots efforts, um, where, you know, the, the things that are received, and this is a small.
[00:25:14] Anecdotal, um, kind of example for you, but we have a fantastic videographer on staff who makes beautiful, very polished videos for us. And those have a great place, um, you know, in email campaigns and, and we certainly put them up on social as well, but my post them on my LinkedIn, they get, they get a certain amount of engagement.
[00:25:35] The videos that I record myself, just selfie style, walking around, talking about whatever’s on my mind or something that happened. And I post those, they get 10 times the engagement and I’m just kind of making that stat up, but a lot more engagement than the really pretty professional looking ones. Um, and I think we have.
[00:25:57] Social media that to thank for that, [00:26:00] um, in a way, so certainly a trend away from it.
[00:26:04] Brad: [00:26:04] Yeah. Those are really good insights. I think the biggest takeaway that I’ve gotten here is just the real importance of transparent, like vulnerability and being authentic in the sales cycle, because I, I do believe people crave.
[00:26:20] Uh, authenticity and they want to know, um, be known and, and know others. And so I think video plays really strongly in that. Um, you want to engage, you want to like the people that you work with. I do, I do believe that, um, wholeheartedly, if you have an option to buy two similar products and you have made a connection with the person selling to you, that is going to sway your decision significantly.
[00:26:49] Margaret: [00:26:49] Sway is an understatement. I mean, it makes it for you, you know, if I’ve got the option of, you know, buying something, you know, uh, and, and really, it makes people less price [00:27:00] sensitive to, I’m willing to pay more for someone who I connect with. And of course who I trust, right? As long as that product fits my needs.
[00:27:10] Um, I’m willing to pay more for that. I, I gave this again, another kind of anecdotal story, but like, um, there’s this great restaurant or used to be this great restaurant here in Indianapolis. And they had like the best garlic fries with this, like Bazell aioli dipping sauce and it was awesome. Anyway, I craved it all the time.
[00:27:30] Um, One time I went though, or multiple times I went and I noticed the owner just kind of be in it jackass. Can I say jackass? And
[00:27:41] Brad: [00:27:41] I think so, if not, we’ll, we’ll clean it up.
[00:27:44] Margaret: [00:27:44] Okay. Um, being a jerk to you of some of his employees and to some of the customers even. And I thought, man, this makes these fries taste a lot less great.
[00:27:55] I’m going to take my business to someplace that has fries. That aren’t [00:28:00] as good. And I’m totally, I’m totally fine with that. Right. It was just from the, you know, no pun intended bad taste in my mouth got from, from that person who was, you know, the sales person, I guess, so to speak. Um, so it really makes, that makes that decision for you.
[00:28:19] Brad: [00:28:19] So, yeah, so this is great. This has been a great, uh, great show. Great podcast, really good insights. Is there anything that I didn’t ask you or that you wanted to cover?
[00:28:30] Margaret: [00:28:30] You know, I don’t think so. I did a little bit of this might be kind of a funny connection, but you know, of course I know your, your theme is on mental toughness.
[00:28:39] Um, and so I wanted to speak to that just a little bit, and I think, you know, mental toughness there’s. It’s not a, um, you know, a kind of one and done thing. There’s no silver bullet for it. It’s a lot of things working together. Uh, but I do think it’s important for us to get wins. We know what it’s like for salespeople.
[00:28:57] I I’d been in a single floor world for 10 [00:29:00] years before moving over to marketing. Um, And when you’re in a slump, man, you feel it, everybody around you feel it. It’s almost like you have the plague. Like don’t get too close to Margaret. Like her month is terrible. Um, you know, but when you start to get those wins, it builds up your confidence, even if it’s a small one.
[00:29:18] And I think actually video helps with that and not just a feedback, but. Being, uh, having that integrity, staying true to yourself and being authentic, but you know, without getting too, too, woo wee. I feel like if you, you live and work aligned with your values, you can find the flow that we all strive to be in.
[00:29:41] And when we, when we feel that flow, we can be more focused. We can be more productive and ultimately more successful, but it starts with us being, being true to ourselves.
[00:29:51] Brad: [00:29:51] Yeah, I think that’s, that’s great, great insight. And some of the key takeaways that I, I took from this last 30 minutes, so, well, Margaret, this has been [00:30:00] great.
[00:30:00] I love what you guys are doing at Covideo. Thanks so much for telling us about how a video impacts the sales cycle and, um, you know, how we can use that to help kind of jumpstart or initiate. Um, wins in our sales cycle. So this has been awesome.
[00:30:18] Margaret: [00:30:18] Yeah. Hey, it’s been my pleasure. I hope people check it out because it’s another tool in your toolbox and we all know, you know, how much we, we need that right now.
[00:30:27] Don’t, don’t limit yourself to email. Don’t limit yourself to just the phone. Um, you know, most salespeople are better in person, so Hey, you know, That’s our whole goal is to get you face to face with your leads, your prospects and your customers. So you can, you can do what you do. So I hope people check it out and give it a try.
[00:30:50] Brad: [00:30:50] All right. Well, what a great interview with Margaret Henney. We covered some really great material. I think one of the big takeaways that I got. Uh, in our [00:31:00] 30 minute discussion with her was the, the importance of being able to get wins. And if, if you feel like you’re losing, you’ve got to really get your mind around how to get out of the funk.
[00:31:12] And she talked really, really in detail about some of the things that you can do so that you can start getting wins. And one of the things that she suggested was. Using video allows you to engage with your client in a way that you can start getting some emotional attachment and really start feeling your way out of, um, maybe a situation where you feel like you’ve gotten down, whether that’s your, you’re making lots of phone calls and you’re sending lots of emails and you’re just not feeling like you’re winning by engaging in video, you can sorta sorta spark, um, The sales cycle in a way you can start kind of emotionally getting yourself out of the funk that you’re in.
[00:31:55] And I think that was the big. The really big takeaway that I took from her. [00:32:00] So if you guys aren’t familiar with Covideo, you can check them out at Covideo.com And as always, if you want to hear more of our podcasts, you can go to MonsterConnect.com/podcast.
[00:00:00] Margaret: [00:00:00] You know, ultimately, I’ve said this so many times, but people buy from people that they like and people that they trust. And it is almost impossible to get to a place of liking someone and trusting someone if you can’t hear their voice and see their face.
[00:00:17] Brad: [00:00:17] Welcome to Decision Point, a podcast about mental toughness and overcoming adversity in sales. I’m Brad Seaman.
[00:00:26] Alright, I’m excited today to have the Director of Marketing from Covideo Margaret Henney. And if you’re not familiar with Covideo, it’s the easiest way to record, send, and track personalized video emails through your favorite channels.
[00:00:40] And one of the reasons why we wanted to have Margaret on here this afternoon is the workforce is changing dramatically as COVID has made its way through the business world and everybody’s been sent home and she’s going to really kind of highlight some of the things that are occurring in the [00:01:00] space and how video can help you overcome some of those challenges. And as we thought about it, um, though she’s not going to speak directly.
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