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On this episode, we’re bringing old-school Decision Point back and talking about adversity and how to work through it. Bre has had a lot of adversity, and we talk about it all on this week’s podcast!
On this episode, we’re bringing old-school Decision Point back and talking about adversity and how to work through it. Bre has had a lot of adversity, and we talk about it all on this week’s podcast!
Bre Audio
[00:00:00] Welcome to Decision Point, a podcast about overcoming adversity in sales and the growth that we experience in the process. I’m Brad Seeds.
All right, so we’re gonna go, we’re gonna get back in the time machine and go old school. So we started, the podcast is a, so I started as like a mental toughness and um, set back an adversity podcast. Yeah. So, um, my marketing manager came in, said, Hey, we need to do a podcast. I said, Hey, I like, you know, my, I love setback and adversity stories.
You know, I a good, uh, you know, it’s about, it’s that time of year where I watch Hoosiers, you know, I like, I love a good comeback story. And, um, so we started off just talking about setback and adversity, and we got about, I don’t know, 20 episodes in and it, and it wasn’t hitting our Audi like it, it was all I was having a blast.
But we weren’t really getting the audience. Um, the guys that we were, that were on the show [00:01:00] weren’t necessarily ever gonna buy our product, and the guys that were listening were never really gonna buy our product. And, um, so we decided, hey, we’re gonna focus more on sales, but today we’re going back in the time machine and we’re gonna talk about setback and adversity, uh, on a special episode.
Uh, here a decision point. And I’m gonna, I’m gonna tell you to tell me your story cause I know you had a little set. I did a, I Googled, so I know there’s some setback and adversity. So I’m gonna have you tell me, um, tell me your story. Okay. Well, where would you like to start? Just pick a spot. Ah, how about, um, my son almost dying.
That’s where I really, I really had some lessons in life. So, um, my son Walker was five and I was living in Kalamazoo, Michigan. And I was, I was working in pharmaceutical sales and it was just when the economy was really starting to take a deep dive into the great recession, and there I was in my twenties.
I, I thought, you know, here I am, single mom, poster child, [00:02:00] great job. Got my house. I had, I had my entire identity tied to the things of life, right? And that’s the thing is when you tie your identity too much to something, when it’s gone, you crash and you burn and. And I mean, there’s nothing wrong. Everyone likes a nice house, everyone likes nice car, those types of things.
But do you own the things or do the things own you? And as, as painful as these lessons were, I’m grateful that I learned them at a, at a young age in my career, and that I had an opportunity to reevaluate and step forward, even though I’ve stepped back a few times. But my son Walker came home from school one day and had a belly.
Didn’t think much about it as a parent, you know, you know, taking care of your kid, let ’em watch tv. Um, and ended up, uh, sick and sicker and sicker throughout the night and called I a, I called, um, all my doctor friends because here’s what happened. I had taken a new job. And I had to wait 90 days for health insurance to kick in and I, Cobra Health Insurance was [00:03:00] $968 a month and, and it was 2000 2007.
Um, and the thing was, is by the time I had a mortgage to pay and car payment and child and no child’s support, I didn’t receive any child support for my son’s dad. College loans, all that stuff. Even though I, I had a base salary of 75 grand, like that money didn’t go very far. So I was like, I can take a risk.
I can go 90 days without health insurance. What’s the worst thing that can happen? And you only have 30 days to sign up for Cobra. Day 31 is appendix, rupture, worthless little organ that does nothing in the human body. But it can kill you. It literally can kill you. And he got septic and he got sick. And we spent nearly three weeks in the hospital, ended up quitting my job while I was in the hospital.
Uh, because they wouldn’t, they wouldn’t, they’re not on my resume, by the way. Uh, , the, the, the guy who was handling the sales said to me, well, you haven’t been here long enough to have [00:04:00] F M L A. I said, well, don’t pay me. I had no family in Michigan. My son’s father was uninvolved. I, did you move up to Michigan for the job?
No, that was another series. That was a relationship that took me there. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Um, but, but you know, I had no family in Michigan and so I had to make a choice in that moment between going back to work cuz he paused, I said. My kid’s sick. He he could die because that doctor said to me after he did the first surgery, I am so sorry you’re gonna watch your child get sicker and sicker and sicker and there’s nothing you can do this week.
We’re gonna give him antibiotic, but we gotta wait to the abscess forms so we can go in and remove it. And that week was the worst week of my life as a parent. Cause when your kid looks at you and says, mom, if I die, will you come to my grave? It. It is just heart wrenching. And, um, I’m, I’m not a super religious person.
I was never so grateful for a pastor to be there in the, in the hallway at that time when my kid said that. And he is alive and well. But you know, that, that choice of I can go 90 days [00:05:00] without health insurance was the worst thing can happen. And it happened. And in a min instant. I found myself without a job cuz the guy paused.
He said, oh, I really need to run in the field. And I said, I really don’t need your job, . And then I said, oh my God, I quit my job in like the worst economy. And uh, but I did what needed to be done, which was be there with my son. And um, and so basically through that whole series of events, like the first fill I got from the hospital was $68,237 and 58 cents.
And. It was crushing. I, I had a friend of mine say, well, why don’t you just, you know, pay ’em like a hundred dollars a month? I said, for the rest of my life, like, what’s gonna go on here? And I found myself, I had to go through bankruptcy. Um, and one in three Americans go through bankruptcy cuz the medical debt, cuz the system is just broken.
Uh, I found myself in a situation where, Everything I’d ever had was gone. An instant. 401K was gone, had to pay bills, you know, the house ended up being [00:06:00] gone. Um, and I moved back in with my mother and shared a bedroom with my son. I felt about that big in life cuz there I was, you know, coming home to live with mom and, and, and I was very angry for a couple.
Because I was in this victim mode, right? Like, oh, nobody should have to file bankruptcy of medical debt and the government this, and the system’s broken, blah, blah, blah. And then about two years into it, I had this epiphany. What was my part? Oh, I’m the one who didn’t pay $968 a month for Cobra. God, the universe, the government people weren’t trying to do it to me.
I had an active part. And, and so, you know, those series of events led me to a point where, you know, as it related to sales, uh, I, I have to admit, it really enhanced my ability to be a salesperson because it divorced me from the, no, I know I’m not a jerk, right? I, I know that about myself. , [00:07:00] uh, I don’t know.
Maybe some people might think I am, but I know that I’m not. And, and so when I, I built a business after that, unintentionally I found something on LinkedIn in 2010, and it was network marketing, right? And I, I knew nothing about the industry, and I think my exact words were, dude, I don’t want part of your scam.
Um, but, but what I realized, When I got back into doing something I love, which was working back in fitness, I took a $45,000 base salary pay cut with no guarantee, a bonus. And um, and I ended up in a position where I had to draw a line in the sand. I wasn’t gonna ask my dad for money to pay for Y M C A after school childcare, $169 a month.
It was at Walker’s School. So if I had to ask enough people to buy my energy, I was gonna ask enough people to buy my energy drink because it was unacceptable for me to ask Dad for money. I shouldn’t have had to as a woman in her early thirties. So, um, [00:08:00] I got into the grind. I I started to research markets, right.
And people who’s buying my drinks and, and you know, I, I read Simon Sins book, you know, start with why, and, and I had to get into my own. Really deep, like, why am I doing this? Because I can make money. There’s so many ways to make money. People get so bogged down with the fact that, you know, financial tragedy happens and then they feel like they’re never gonna come out of it.
And, and if you choose to look at it as this is an opportunity for me to make a new choice to, to, you know, figure out how I can be the victor in my life and not the victim. Then you go out and you find a way to get it done. And so I, I started a little side hustle of, of making phone calls at night. I had a full-time gig.
I was setting up phone calls, getting to know people, asked the right question. I was selling, you know, nutrition, health and wellness products. Learned my, learned my marketplace for it. I also learned like who would be buying it. I, I, I got to become a really good [00:09:00] observer of people and understand, you know, questions really are the answer.
Uh, and, and something that took. You know, it’s like pushing my fiat uphill for a couple years. You don’t see a lot of results, and then you get that critical mass and then the car just starts coming right downhill up Atlanta. Yep. And it’s, it’s like, wow. And, and I think that what it comes down to is anything in life, what p what people.
Decide, have to decide what they want, what’s acceptable, what their values are, um, and, and, you know, make a decision. Decisions always determine your destination and in decision does the same thing. If you don’t make a decision, that’s a decision in itself. And, and all I wanted when I started my business was I knew that I wanted to be able to make my kid breakfast every single day because, After going through that, you know, you can make more money, but you [00:10:00] can’t get more time.
And, and so I had this vision statement, you know, I’m so happy and grateful. I have successful advocate business that I can work from home and make walker breakfast every single day. And I used to say that every single day to myself. Um, because you manifest what you want in your life, good or bad. Like, like I said, going back to the health insurance thing, the, the victimhood I had, I was part of that manifestation.
You get what you accept. I mean, if you take, there’s a really good, um, ed Mylet video where you, ed Mylet. I love Ed. Have you ever heard him tell the Eddie or the, um, the, the story about the neighbor where he gets in the scrap with the, with the, with the neighbor boy and his mom’s freaking out and his dad, you know, uh, it’s, oh, it’s really, I’ll send you the link after it.
But basically the, the core to the. You’re gonna laugh. It might be one of the funniest, it’s, it’s really funny. Um, there’s a kind of a catch at the end of it that, uh, that’ll have you laughing, but he [00:11:00] basically just talks about you get what you accept and that, and that’s so true. I mean, if you look at, and you can see it everywhere in, uh, in your life around you.
But yeah, we’re too, it’s too easy for us to accept, um, what we’re, you know, the scraps versus, uh, you know, pushing yourself to accept something. Well, I think you’re absolutely right and I, I, I look at it, I’m grateful for every bad thing that’s ever happened because, you know, I wish, I wish humans were naturally motivated to go through life without pain.
Unfortunately, we’re kind of programmed to go through life with some pain and, and pain is a beautiful change agent if you allow it to be. Cause the truth is, is back when I had all those things of I was, you know, tying my myself worth my value to that job. I hated that job. I hated every moment of that job, and yet I was making all the money and, and I found.
[00:12:00] Anytime my values are out of alignment, doesn’t matter how much money I’m making, if I’m unhappy. And, and so pain in itself can be a beautiful change agent if you allow it to be. And, and the key is, is not wallowing in it because, um, bad stuff is going to happen. There are things outside of your control.
and you can plan and plan and plan as best you can, but, but sometimes those things happen outside of your control that you don’t understand why they’re happening when you’re in the midst of it. But in the after the end, after you get through it, you’re like, oh, that had to happen this way. That had to lead me to this opportunity.
Um, especially if you have the self-awareness and you’re willing to look at growth opportunities. You know, I wanna be around people who. Who I wanna be around, like couples who actually like each other, you know, like those relationships, . That’s the kinda relationship I wanna be around people in business who, who wanna think bigger [00:13:00] and be innovative and get excited about life because, you know, life is too damn short to be miserable.
Yeah, I, well, you, so you said something on one of my favorite quotes. I’m glad, I’m glad we got in the, uh, you know, I love seven, I mean, I just love, I love adversity. Mm-hmm. , I think it’s like really easy. And this gonna, you know, based, I mean, I’ve had, I’ve had a lot. But, um, when I was in college, my, I was fortunate enough for the first part of my university career to have my, my, uh, my parents pay for me to try to work out, uh, what I thought I was gonna do with my.
And, uh, eventually my dad will call me and say, Hey, all the money’s out over, uh, you know, he had a business, uh, his business, um, had been successful, but, uh, you know, he hit a patch where it wasn’t. He said, Hey, look, I’m all outta money. Gotta come home. And I remember in that moment deciding that I had an option.
I could either get on my stuff and come home and this could be the worst thing that ever happened to me, or it could be the best thing that ever happened. And, um, I [00:14:00] said, Hey, I’m gonna stay up here. I’ll figure it out. Um, and I figured it out. I went and I got a job. I did a, I had a side job, uh, contracting, uh, being a con like working, working, uh, on some rental homes.
I bailed hay. I, uh, I worked for, uh, the head of the nursing department at the school that I was at remodeling her house. Um, and so I stitched it, um, I stitched it together and it was one of the, Experiences in my, my life and I look back on it super fun. And then I have a lot of other stuff that um, isn’t um, that sounds a little hoy cuz my parents paid for the first three years of my college.
But I have some other business stories where it wasn’t hoy and I had to make decisions on just real life stuff where I had to make decisions on, hey, this is either gonna be the best thing that ever happened. Um, or I’m gonna be a victim to this. I agree. And, uh, 100% there. The, uh, my, my favorite quote, and I’ll tell you at every, at every turn in the story, my, my, the quote that I’ve used historically is a [00:15:00] quote by John Wooden that says, things work out best for the people who make the best of the way things work.
And so anytime I get hit with something, that’s always what I, what I think. Cause life is problems. I think that’s where the, that’s where the issue becomes, is we wanna believe there’s some easy path in everything, whether it’s in work or personal life. Like you want the happy path, right? But that’s not, that’s not life and that’s not work and that’s not people.
And, uh, you gotta figure out how to, how to come at the problem, um, from a way that you could get through there where you can get. Um, so that makes me think of a quote. Napoleon Hill had a quote, uh, you know, somebody was saying, you know, um, show me a life with no problems. And he said, you know, I’ll show you a cemetery.
None of those people are any problems. and, and no, you know, I think, you know, being a little people, it’s one thing to be, to take the right amount of risk, [00:16:00] right? And an educated type risk. But there’s, there’s something to be said, and I know one thing I like about my personality that drives some people crazy.
I’m willing to jump off a cliff and build the parachute on the way down, and I might crash and burn. Like I, I, uh, I drove, I was 20 and I probably would’ve failed outta college had I not dropped outta college. And it wasn’t that I, I’m not smart and I’m not capable. I wasn’t, I had no burning desire. I had no direction in life.
And I thought, why waste my money? The little bit of money my parents are putting in to, to it if I don’t know what I wanna do. That didn’t make any, To me, so I called my mom on a Wednesday. This was back when they had the old Indianapolis airport, called my mom on a Wednesday, and I said, what are you doing on Saturday?
She said nothing. I said, great. I just dropped outta college and I bought a plane ticket and I’m moving to Hawaii. Um, and cause I wasn’t, I was like, I’m gonna get as far away from Indiana as I can still stay in the us but I went, I mean, I can understand as a parent now [00:17:00] why my parents freaked out a little bit.
But I went, I had a job within a week. I always believed in my ability to work. I’ve worked since I was 13 years old. You know, I, I, I’ve driven a forklift, I’ve worked tables. You know, I’m not afraid of hard work. In fact, I, I welcome it and I enjoy it, but, but I knew it would be okay. And so, you know, I think.
The, some of the beauty comes in taking that risk and saying, I don’t know what’s gonna happen, but I’m gonna jump and I’m gonna see what happens. Um, and, and you look back on it, it’s, and sometimes you’re like, yeah, I really crashed a bird there, but how could I have done that different? Cause you don’t know what you want until you know what you don’t want.
A hundred percent. Yeah. And you gotta be able to try stuff. You gotta be able to try stuff. So, um, so do you think that part of your personality that’s willing to roll the dice, is that something you feel like you learned or you feel like that’s just kind of innately wound in there? Well, my parents would probably say that part of it is my rebellious nature
So [00:18:00] I would say part of it is, is in there. Um, but I, I think. Self confidence, like anything, um, comes by getting the little wins first. Right? And, and I go back to like, when it comes to work, I go back to like when I had my very first, first interview at a and w Drive-in, in Greensburg, Indiana, and, and, you know, going in and starting to make money and, and having those like, oh, okay, if I put in the time, if I, if I do what I’m supposed to do, if I show up and, and a good human being, I’m gonna be able to, to make money and, and I’m gonna be able to support myself.
And so I, I think that part of. My being willing to jump is, is innately in my personality, but I do believe that anybody, if they focus on those, those small wins, if they have that, that long term vision, but look at the short term goals of like, how [00:19:00] do I get here, but what do I have to do now to get here?
You know, you get stronger along the journey. And, um, and also being willing, I. You know, people, everyone wants to, to own the good, right? I wanna own the good. Like, oh, I did this. Look at me, I’m so awesome. But as, and this is something I’ve had to learn over as I’ve gotten older, but being willing to own your mistakes and own where you screwed up and say, okay, now I can do things different.
What was my part in this? How did I, how did I play a role in this? Um, why do I want, what do I wanna do to make sure things are d. So I don’t skin my knees anymore. So I think that that’s a long answer saying it’s, it’s both innate and, and I believe everybody has a little bit of that in them. Um, no matter how risk-adverse you are.
And, uh, and also being willing to, to just to jump and see what happens. Now, how do [00:20:00] you feel like this has affected, so let’s kind of take some of these things that we’ve talked about, uh, in the last 30 minutes. How do you feel like that’s affected you some of these beliefs as a sales. And maybe kinda, kinda kinda walk through your, like, real quick, just kind of walk through your sales career.
I know you’re at Rev Genius today. Um, actually I’m, I’m no longer with Rev Genius. I start a new gig on the first in cybersecurity. Right. That’s, we’ll talk about that. That’s exciting. Okay. So, so how do you feel like some of this stuff is bled over to sales? Oh, well, I think that a big part of it has been, Learning, having that self belief in myself, but learning to be an observer of people and understanding how other people show up and, and really learning how to serve other people, uh, is, is what it comes down to for me, is, is, you know, People when you, when you have a heart [00:21:00] of leadership to serve other people to help them solve a problem, then the sales process.
Sales is sales. I mean, there’s, there’s not a lot of innovation around, around sales, but, um, it, it comes down to, to really getting that light to go off in somebody’s eyes by asking the right question and go, oh, I do care about. This is, this is, this is something I need help solving. And, and that all comes down to, um, growing in yourself, your own self-awareness, growing in, in the awareness that you’re there to serve others.
That if you serve enough other people, eventually you’re really gonna get what you want. And, um, and also looking at each time you’ve gone through a sales cycle and said, especially if something didn’t turn out like you wanted to go. What did I do different? So for like, when I built my own business, you know, the numbers don’t lie.
And when you start tracking that data and, [00:22:00] and you go, oh gosh, what did I do different in, you know, February of 2022 versus February of 2021, right? And, and you can evaluate that and take that time to have critical evaluation and say, this is what I did. Well, this is where I need to. Who do I need to help?
Why do they care? Why do I care? So, um, you know, I I I think that, you know, a lot of that diving into sales with that, um, that hunger to really help other people, um, that’s, that’s really comes from and, and, and, and the belief that it. I mean, if you’re selling something, you don’t believe it, you’re not gonna get very far.
Yeah. Well, I think yeah, belief trump’s pretty much all the, all the, I mean, I don’t know. Look, I definitely think that there’s certain personalities that are more, uh, I mean it’s like any, it’s like any, it’s like any [00:23:00] skill or like, let’s take ath athletics. Um, to be a professional athlete, you have to have a certain, to be at the very top of the profession, you have to have a certain.
Set of, uh, innate gifts like your body’s gotta be. Like, are there some people that have just inevitably just blown through and not had the physical capabilities? I mean, there’s some, but overall, I mean, you have to have like some, you have to have some, some gifts. Mm-hmm. . So I do think there’s some innate, um, characteristics that help great sellers be great.
But I also think, um, that selling is about transferring passion at the. and if you can transfer that to somebody else, however that looks, um, you know, passion and trust, um, those are the two primary things and I think it really helps to be curious. Um, which I don’t know if you can, I mean, you sound curious.
Um, I don’t know if that helps. Um, I don’t know that people are [00:24:00] born with that or not. I know that I’m a naturally curious person. Um, I also grew up in a family where I think it was really the, uh, curiosity was kind of stoked. Yeah. Some of that was, my dad was a marriage and family therapist, and he, if you listen to, um, you probably familiar with, um, Oh, a lot of stuff that Josh Braun teaches.
Yep. Um, with Chris Boss. Mm-hmm. , all the labeling. I mean, I, I get like, uh, I call it Sandler Sales Funnel, like reflex, like if I get in a funnel, my hands prop up, my legs prop up, I start fighting it cuz I know what’s happening. Yeah. Um, but we, we, I grew up in a family where at the time it was really annoying that my dad would like question us and he taught us active listening.
And I always joked. Um, my temperament is like highly dominant. So like I always call myself an aggressive listener, uh, instead of an active listener. You know, like it there was more of a form of like two people talk at the same time. Oh. Like, uh, that, that’s how I feel. That’s how I feel heard is like if, if you’re not talking over the top of me, we’re not actually communicating.
[00:25:00] Um, so, but I learned these things and so I, I definitely think you can stoke some of these natural tendencies to. But some of it’s innate. I mean, you know, I think, I think it’s a lot of people are just in a sales perspective, there’s a lot of passive people. I don’t, it’s hard. You could definitely take somebody who’s got a really dominant personality and get them to be a sheep.
It’s a whole lot harder to take somebody who’s very timid and get them to be more aggressive. Um, it’s, it doesn’t feel the same. Um, and I totally agree with that. And I think that, you know, like I, I. I, I can be, I have a very gregarious personality. Right. I bet. I bet you could be a lot . I can be a lot and, and I know that about myself.
I’m very, I’m very direct when it comes to having a sales conversation. Um, I want, and even with myself, when somebody approaches me, like I’m sure like you’ve been pitch [00:26:00] slapped a million times on LinkedIn, right? I get it all the time. And, and you know, I look at it, uh, on one hand I’m like, well, kudos for you for coming right at me, but you have no idea what I need, what I want.
You have no question nothing. And, and, and being curious. You hit the nail on the head there. Um, you know. Like, I think about it this way, I think sometimes the sales, when somebody comes at me, it can be like a bad date. Um, when all they wanna do is talk about themselves, right? And you’re just sitting there and you’re like, you haven’t asked me anything.
You haven’t, you haven’t gotten into what I like, what I’m passionate about, what do I need? And, and I’ve sat through a couple hellacious demos in my. Where that salesperson is just talking at me and I am zoned out. I mean, and you can see it. You can, you can see it, and you can, if you’re on the phone, you can hear it in the tone of their voice when it is like glazed over, not engaged, don’t really [00:27:00] care.
Like one time when I had my own business. Uh, you know, there was a business opportunity tied to it, right? So I had this guy who was part of my team, was, was never a huge, huge producer, but, you know, he, he had some hustle and he was trying to make it work and he liked the, the little bit of money coming on the side.
And he had a guy he worked at, at, um, old Dominion, if you’re familiar with that, in Indianapolis. So he had a guy who was working third shift. Um, and, and honestly he didn’t wanna be on that call talking about vitamins. He could’ve cared less. He was just doing his buddy a. That’s what he was doing. So we were talking, and I, I, I, I asked the same question, you know, family, occupation, recreation message.
I’m trying to figure out what it is that this person wants, right? And I could tell by the tone of his voice, seven in the morning, he really had no desire to be on that call until we started talking about money. And I said, oh, your ears are perked up now. You don’t care about vitamins, but you like money, don’t you?
You like, And he was like, well, yeah, cuz he was working third shift. I [00:28:00] worked third shift. I’ve driven the forklift in my life. I know what hard work is like that. And, and you know, he was wanting something more so. If, if getting something more in his life means he taps into something like selling some vitamins, well then that, that gets him on his path.
But you have to be able to help somebody sometimes figure out what they want, and that comes from being curious and asking the right question. Um, no, that’s, that’s, that’s great. Do you, okay, so you hit a couple, you hit a couple questions I wanna go, or a couple key key buzz words for me. I wanna go back.
Sure. So you, you said hard work and you said the word grind. So when you think about hard work and you think about the word grind, those are, those are actually probably like, you know, uh, not, I mean, I feel like those words are under attack. So I’d love to hear the, um, I’d love to hear your opinion on like, when you think about hard work, how’s it fit into the equation?
When you think about the word grind, you threw it out there. Mm-hmm. [00:29:00] as if it was second nature. Um, you know, I, I don’t, I, so talk to me about those words. Okay. I think you’re right. Those words are under attack, and I blame the, the memes that are thrown out there on social media. Like, you know, like, okay, girl boss, okay, I’m all for women’s empowerment, don’t get me wrong, but, you know, hustle, culture, all this.
Stuff. Right? And, and it’s real easy to throw meme up there. Um, but what was it, Edison that said, you know, hard work looks like pair of overalls or something, you know? Right. And, and that’s the thing is, I think those words become under attack because it’s real easy to be an influencer and throw something out there and then not be able to back it up.
Yeah. Right. And, and, and you know, like I was talking about this with my new boss and, you know, he’s, he’s an amazing salesperson. We’re gonna build something great. Um, but there’s a lot of talk without walking the walk and, and hustle and [00:30:00] grind, you know. I am money motivated. I’m money motivated because underneath that motivation is that I don’t wanna have to rely on anybody else to take care of me.
And, and so, you know, am I willing to do the tough things? And that’s the thing people have to ask. Like when people are like, oh, there’s no jobs out there. Well, what a crocker crap. There are tons of jobs and you might do something that you don’t like to do in the moment, but it’s gonna lead you to the next thing.
And, and then you’re gonna have that opportunity. But you have to be willing sometimes to do the things that you don’t like, to get what you want. And, well, we’re all under the belief that we’re supposed to love what we. But I don’t think that’s the, I think that’s a misnomer. I mean, that’s, um, look, it definitely helps.
If you love something, it’s not gonna feel like a grind, but you gotta take out the track. I mean, you gotta do stuff before you get to where you want to go, that things don’t come. Well, there’s a lot of entitlement. I would agree. There’s entitlement, you know, on people who have money. People don’t [00:31:00] have money.
There’s entitlement all over the place. And for me, like I would’ve people approach me when I had my business and say, wow, you just must love vitamins. I’m like, no. I love freedom of choice. Of what do I wanna do? I, I could care actually less about vitamins, but these little vitamins allow me to live the life that I want to be able to work from home to see my kid every day.
Cause I’m never gonna get my kid’s fifth birthday back because I couldn’t look at my boss and say, I’m sorry, I’m not gonna be at National Sales Convention. My kid’s turning five. They would’ve said, you know what? You’re replaceable. And, and that’s the thing is that sometimes you do the things you don’t wanna do.
To, to, to get what you want. And sometimes a job is just a job. Like I, I love, I love listening to great entrepreneurs who did things that they didn’t like, like, like, uh, the guy on Shark Tank, Damon, um, oh, Damon John. Oh yeah. Having to, renting out his house, sleeping in his closet, working at Red Lobster while he is getting his sign hustle up.
Do you think [00:32:00] he likes sleeping on the floor of his closet? Probably not. No. But look at where he is at now and, and I think one thing that I am really grateful for was, you know, you mentioned bail and hay. I think instilling hard work and things don’t have to be hard your whole life, but being willing to do something that is uncommon, which is hard work these days.
A lot of people want it handed to them. Well, I’m sorry, I remember my son looking at me in high school. Well, that’s not fair. And I said, whoever told you life was fair, son, life is not fair. You are not guaranteed an easy life, but life can be whatever you make it, make it out to be as long as you’re willing up, willing to show up and do whatever needs to be done.
So, I mean, Maybe it’s just, I was raised by baby boomers and people from the Great Depression. Oh, you’re def, you’re definitely raised by baby boomers.[00:33:00]
On this episode, we’re bringing old-school Decision Point back and talking about adversity and how to work through it. Bre has had a lot of adversity, and we talk about it all on this week’s podcast!
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