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Is there truth in the story you tell yourself? Luis Calixto’s inner monologue told him that he wasn’t good enough and that his accent would hold him back from a successful sales career. It turns out that was a lie. Luis is excelling as a BDR and is helping others step into the role with confidence.
Luis joined us on Decision Point to share the steps he took to change the narrative in his head and become a successful BDR. He also shares about his move from Mexico to the UK, how he found his calling in sales, and what steps every new sales rep should take when starting their new job in order to set themselves up for success. Take a listen!
[00:00:00] Luis: [00:00:00] And I felt so inexperienced, right? These people, you know, English is their first language. Sometimes I struggle. What helps me, I think is the attitude that I have and the energy. But somehow I struggle in terms of comparing myself to other people. I think that was the story I was telling myself that I wasn’t good enough.
[00:00:20] Brad: [00:00:20] Welcome to Decision Point, a podcast about overcoming adversity in sales and the growth that we experienced in the process. I’m Brad Seaman.
[00:00:30] All right. I think you guys are going to be excited today to learn about Luis Calixto. He moved from Mexico, and spent a little time in the UK and eventually moved there. And during his time of travels, he will take a couple of BDR jobs and he’ll eventually find himself a GitLab. I think you guys are gonna be super excited to learn about his story. So without further ado, let’s go.
[00:00:57] I’m excited to have you on this [00:01:00] afternoon.
[00:01:00] Luis: [00:01:00] Thanks for having me Brad. Appreciate it.
[00:01:03] Brad: [00:01:03] So why don’t we start off, tell me a little bit about how you got into sales, but first off, we’ll get to that in a second. Tell me about how you got from Mexico to UK.
[00:01:13] Luis: [00:01:13] So right after I finished high school, I. I decided that I, you know, I wanted to travel a little bit, I didn’t know for how long. And I, I did some odd jobs in Mexico just trying to get some money for a ticket because, you know, plane tickets are expensive, especially if you earning passes. And so I got. I would like to say a one way ticket, but that’s not possible.
[00:01:37] You need to have the ticket to come back. But that was the idea was to just miss the, the actual, um, playing, just to be able to come back and just stay there. And that’s what we did. I travel with my best friend and. The plan was to backpack around London, Northern Europe, and then go to Italy and Spain then come back.
[00:01:58] But then we decided to stay in [00:02:00] London for six months and backpack around Europe for another six, and then eventually went back to Mexico and then came back to finalists. So what
[00:02:08] Brad: [00:02:08] What year is this? What year are you traveling?
[00:02:11] Luis: [00:02:11] 2010 is when I first came to UK.
[00:02:17] Brad: [00:02:17] Awesome. So you guys traveled then, then you stayed there for six months.
[00:02:20] So after that you come back to Mexico.
[00:02:23] Luis: [00:02:23] Yes. I decided I decided to go back to Mexico and then I wasn’t sure I wanted to study. I was, you know, I wanted to. I went to travel. I was about 20 years old and I was like, you know, I just want to travel. But then at one point I started wondering, maybe I should start, um, you know, to get into union and you get into a very weird point in what you want to keep on traveling.
[00:02:43] You will realize that after. 30 40, if you don’t have a career, then, you know, what’s the point. Um, and I was like, you know what, I’m going to go back. I Googled, you know, best units to, to be in, you know, one is in the UK, the London school of economics. So I decided
[00:02:58] Brad: [00:02:58] So you come back, [00:03:00] what do you decide? You’re going to study?
[00:03:01] Luis: [00:03:01] So I like history. And so. I knew I liked sales, you know, even before that, because I helped my dad, um, selling fire extinguishers or like fire protection equipment for many businesses in Mexico. So I knew I liked that, but I was like, you know, there isn’t a school to study sales, so I’m going to study something that I really liked.
[00:03:26] That’s in a more academic level, which was, um, politics and history. And, um, and that in. For that reason, I decided to study international relations because it involved, uh, economics, politics, history, and, you know, you get to study across political system and economic system. So it was like in that if that doesn’t work, I can just going to keep doing sales, but I have a, a paper to show for it, write a paper to show that I’m medicated and that will be okay.
[00:03:54] Brad: [00:03:54] So once you, once you go through, so how do you get in? So you knew you liked sales, you were [00:04:00] selling fire extinguishers with your dad. Um, What’s the first sales job.
[00:04:05] Luis: [00:04:05] So the sales up was, I was, well, even before in Mexico, I was doing some, um, service and, you know, we had to convince people to stop in that, in answer a couple of questions on, um, battery for cars right then.
[00:04:21] And he was a very hard thing to do because it was hot and it was wet. That was like the first out of, um, you know, experience out in the wild. When I came to the UK, I was working in hospitality for about. Four years. And I was upselling there, but that wasn’t probably a sales job. And I was like, you know why?
[00:04:41] I feel like I like technology and I like, I’m a people’s person. So I think I’m going to, I’m just going to go for it. So I intern for some companies, um, doing like research and I even liked that. So I decided to actually apply
[00:04:55] Brad: [00:04:55] You did not like that. You did not like the research.
[00:04:57] Luis: [00:04:57] No, no, no, no, no. I was, um, I was [00:05:00] like, do you know, I was working for, um, for, um, a company doing some research, but not talking to anyone.
[00:05:07] And even in many people love that, you know, they’re like, I don’t want to talk to anyone. I was like, I’m the opposite of that. I like, you know, talking to people and, and, you know, see, obviously you’re gonna make some mistakes, but I’m just gonna, I’m gonna make sure that works for me. And that I decided to apply for, um, For to work as a, as a, as a BDR, as a business development rep that I’ve never done.
[00:05:30] So I had to convince the company to give it, to give me a shot because otherwise they’re like, okay, you’re working hospitality. You have some experience in like the corporate environment. But, so what, and I was like, just try me, give me a chance. And you know, six months, obviously the probation period as well, but, and that’s what I failed that when you are.
[00:05:49] Looking for work regardless of your career, you’re selling yourself. So everyone is in sales, whether you know it or not. And in many people ask me, okay, you are from Mexico. So you’re an [00:06:00] expert. How did you get into sales? So like, well, to be honest, you need to get out there. You need to talk to people that it’s going to be uncomfortable, but once you get past that threshold, you going to meet people in there, you can start creating connections.
[00:06:12] So that’s how I got my first gig in a company that sales and marketing software.
[00:06:19] Brad: [00:06:19] Okay. And what company was
[00:06:20] Luis: [00:06:20] that? That was, that’s a company called Stampede.
[00:06:24] Brad: [00:06:24] Stampede. Okay. So you guys were selling marketing, you’re selling marketing software. You talk these guys into giving you, giving you a job, uh, rolling the dice, letting you, letting you in on the, uh, the ground floor.
[00:06:38] So tell me, so tell me about that. How did that. What was that experience like, how’d you do? Where did you fit out on your team?
[00:06:45] Luis: [00:06:45] So it was this, it is a small company. There were only five BDRs, one sales manager, and then they hired another five. So I was within those five, but they turned me down once because they were like, you [00:07:00] know, you didn’t have any experience Louise.
[00:07:02] And I was like, yeah, but I’m okay. Don’t worry, I’m going to, I’m going to go back. So that’s when I did my internships. And then when I apply again, I didn’t even have to do the interview. Right. I was like, okay, give me a shot and we’ll see how it goes. So when I enjoyed it,
[00:07:16] Brad: [00:07:16] Were they pushing back on you? Did they not want to roll, but did they not want to roll the dice?
[00:07:20] Luis: [00:07:20] They didn’t want to. No. No, because they felt, um, I, I wasn’t ready, obviously. They didn’t say that, but I think they implied it and I felt. I needed to come back and show them that, you know, you just give me a go, just, just give me a goal and we’ll see how this spins out. So when I joined the company, I was within those five and I felt so inexperienced, right.
[00:07:48] These people, you know, English is our first language. Sometimes I even struggle what I, what he helps me, I think is the attitude that I have and the energy. But some, somehow I struggle in terms of [00:08:00] comparing myself to other people because you know, they’re speaking English. And,
[00:08:06] Brad: [00:08:06] uh, so you’re formulating sentences pretty well, uh, today on the podcast.
[00:08:10] So where are you? Uh, you’re kind of early in your sales career. You’re you’re out of college. How good your English and what are you doing to improve it every day?
[00:08:20] Luis: [00:08:20] No, I think, I think it was, it was fine, but. I think that was the story I was telling myself that it wasn’t good enough. There was just something,
[00:08:27] Brad: [00:08:27] It was a story you were telling yourself.
[00:08:29] Luis: [00:08:29] Exactly.
[00:08:29] Brad: [00:08:29] So it wasn’t, you were having to overcome this reel that you were playing.
[00:08:33] Luis: [00:08:33] And then exactly. And the oldest people, some of them have sex sales experience and they, you know, they were like, even telling us how to do it. Like when you call people, blah, blah, blah. And they were telling us, and I was like, Oh man, I really need to take notes.
[00:08:47] And I. And I exactly did. So I took a piece of paper and I started to put together like a note, like a, um, like a cheat sheet for myself. Right. And I was like, how to make a proper, [00:09:00] um, cold call, how to research businesses? What is it? What does it mean when criteria? But what really helped me is that the company, because it was, we used to sell to, um, hospitality businesses.
[00:09:12] It was mainly focused on cold calling. I couldn’t escape that. So what I did was I used to have one of the set of headsets as well, and I used to just put that away so I can listen to the conversations that the other guys were having and learn from them. What did they say? How did they gave to them? Or did this go like, you know, the, the next call, what words they use, how much they push back.
[00:09:37] So I was asking myself these questions and at some point I was like, okay, I’m going to put this into practice and see how it goes.
[00:09:44] Brad: [00:09:44] So from there, where do you go next?
[00:09:49] Luis: [00:09:49] So from there, I think I did, I did pretty well, but that was when the pandemic, um, happened. Then they, I was four. I was put into the furlough program and I.
[00:10:00] [00:10:00] Decided to go and help other companies, whether, you know, selling or just helping them with their customer support. And that’s what I did for, for a company called Hey summit. And I knew the guys already and they were like, yep, we’re pretty swamped here. Can you help us? I’m more than happy to. And I, and I helped and I wasn’t talking to customers.
[00:10:21] And so it wasn’t a, probably a sales job, but I was put in charge to, to put together a top of this top of the funnel, kind of, uh, Plant for them so they can create more revenue and bring more businesses in. So I did that. Anything
[00:10:36] Brad: [00:10:36] So when you came in, did they have anything at all?
[00:10:39] Luis: [00:10:39] They have, um, they have a sales chat. That was it.
[00:10:46] And one person was, uh, manually handling all of that, making sure she only, um, handled the top customer is the one that were super huge. So no wasting time, the small ones. And [00:11:00] I remember she telling me, you know, what, can you make sure we clear it? You create a system. And I was going to start doing that when I got my next opportunity at user testing, I had to leave the company.
[00:11:11] Brad: [00:11:11] So w when you’re at user testing. So tell me a little bit about that experience
[00:11:15] Luis: [00:11:15] course. Um, so I think, you know, there were, um, in the sales team as a BDR, is that were another. For people in Edinburgh, but there were about 30 in the company because they were in Atlanta, Atlanta, San Francisco. Um, and then they started growing their APEC, um, office.
[00:11:39] And that was only the BDRs, but the sales team was more than, I will say more than 300 people. And for me, I think that the initial challenges were onboarding remotely. That was the first one I was, I had never done that. How am I going to know, how am I going to listen to all these conversations that they’re having?
[00:11:58] Brad: [00:11:58] Okay, so previously [00:12:00] you’d really relied on listening. And now all of a sudden you’re, you’re kind of in an environment, you can’t do that.
[00:12:06] Luis: [00:12:06] Yeah. W I mean, I didn’t know how to, but then obviously being a big company, this was like, I went from a 25 people company that to, um, Hi to 800 people company. And that really helped me understanding some of the material.
[00:12:22] They have to onboard people and to run them up. And one of them was, they have a platform that allows you to listen to every single, um, account executives call. No, actually the conversation that I will have, but that was okay because account executives and the, in the first call, they will ask the same questions that I’m going to ask.
[00:12:41] Anyway, what is the pain point? Right? Um, well,
[00:12:44] Brad: [00:12:44] Now were you on the sales development team at user testing, same role you’re cold calling. Are you handling inbound leads and outbound?
[00:12:50] It was
[00:12:51] Luis: [00:12:51] only inbound leads, but I’ve done outbound experience. I apply the same methodology to, um, To, to the, actually [00:13:00] the inbound inbound, and no one was calling cold calling as much as I was.
[00:13:04] And I was like, why no one does it, or I’m just going to keep doing it. And I, and I did it. I hate the phone support over like say 70 dials a day. And I loved that because. People want to speak to you, especially now during the pandemic, right? They and I, we have, we have their, their mobile numbers because, you know, either download a white paper or watch a webinar or whatnot.
[00:13:26] And that really helped me to overcome the first challenge, which was how to talk about the product in a way that makes sense for them. And what, what, what do we use right. LinkedIn email. But the phone was the best thing that could happen to me.
[00:13:42] Brad: [00:13:42] Gotcha. Now what prompted you to move from user testing onto GitLab?
[00:13:48] Luis: [00:13:48] So there were several things, but, um, the main one is I was, I felt like I was ready for, for, for my next opportunity, with a bigger company [00:14:00] and where I could, um, first up that it was all remote. I was looking for that because I like to travel and, you know, fingers crossed if the pandemic, uh, restrictions slowly go away, I’m going to be able to do that.
[00:14:13] Um, but also because I wanted to keep. Sharpening the ax. Right. I want to make sure I keep learning, keep meeting more people, keep, keep developing new skills for my own, um, plans. Right? Because I eventually want to have my own company. And sales is, is, is an incredible, useful skill for anyone that wants to start a company.
[00:14:37] And does it, that was the original motivation. So what’s the
[00:14:41] w if you were going to share, so our audience. Um, is a variety of different people. So we have entrepreneurs that listen, we have inside sales reps, we have sales reps. I want to focus today kind of on your inside sales experience. Um, if you’re going to talk about your first 30 to 90 days [00:15:00] in that role, what are the things that you think are the most important that somebody in that sales role needs to do?
[00:15:07] Brad: [00:15:07] You’ve just taken your new job. You’re uh, you’re an inside sales rep. Maybe you’re doing inbound. Maybe you’re doing outbound. Um, It sounds like you’ve created some lists and some guides, uh, previously on how to do things. What’s that guide look like that you’re going to give to this new rep.
[00:15:23] Luis: [00:15:23] Yeah, that’s a, that’s an amazing question.
[00:15:25] Um, I will do three things. Number one, I will learn about the product right away. What problem does it solve? I will learn about persona. I will learn about who do we sell to? And what’s the state of the industry? What are they actual problems? And the third will be. I wouldn’t have stress because when you stress it one, two, okay.
[00:15:50] I’m onboarding, you know, 30 days. Did you say 30 to 90 days? I will. I wouldn’t. You said no stress, no stress. Don’t worry about it because that’s going to stress.
[00:16:00] [00:16:00] Can stress that just take easy. I know it sounds like, Oh, you know, I have a responsibility to my employer, but don’t panic. And I need to keep reminding him of that where it’s on the third, third point, because obviously you need to be proactive and do the first one, which is learn about the product.
[00:16:16] Second is learn about persona and state of industry. But again, the third one is don’t stress just. Chill out is going to be fine because you either, the company believes in you, they’re going to put together a system and that’s going to onboard you properly. Obviously you’re not going to leave everything to that, but you’re going to try to learn as much as you can.
[00:16:36] And when you’re ready, you can hit the crown and go for it.
[00:16:41] Brad: [00:16:41] Gotcha. What do you, what’s the biggest mistake you think salespeople or inside salespeople make when they first start?
[00:16:47] Luis: [00:16:47] I think. The biggest mistake is to start talking to people too early. That could be also a problem. And the second [00:17:00] is not to speak as much.
[00:17:01] So, you know, it’s finding them balance. So if I hit the telephone verified, call someone trying to sell them something that I don’t know about, I’m just gonna, it’s gonna screw it up. That’s okay. For, for when you have a solid foundation, because you can build on that. But there is a, there is a point in which if there’s enough pain, you’re not going to do it anymore, which is a problem that people that’s why they don’t call anymore.
[00:17:23] Right. And I, I I’m, I like to tell my, you know, when, when I’m onboarding people, when I help onboarding, I’m like, just call them. But you need to have an idea what the product does, who our persona is for sure. But that’s in the problem is the biggest mistake is not being able to understand how to have that compares conversation.
[00:17:43] That’s why they panic. They stopped doing
[00:17:46] Brad: [00:17:46] well. There’s one thing. So, so I want to talk to you about, there’s a couple of things that I noticed as we’ve been talking kind of through here. And one of the things that I want to talk about is being away from home. Like, what is it like to not have home field advantage?
[00:17:59] Right. You [00:18:00] moved to another country, it sounds like you don’t have a, you know, at some point you don’t have a lot of friends here. You’re starting from scratch. You’re starting a new career. So I want to talk about what it’s like to be from working for are being what I would refer to is not having home field advantage.
[00:18:13] But before we get to that, I want to ask you, I want to hone in on something out of my own curiosity. So you talked about, uh, your, your role at user testing. You’re you’re on the inbound role. You’re taking phone calls. What in you’re obviously passing these off to an SDR, right? You’re getting it or not do a two.
[00:18:33] And a call comes in. These are coming in through web are coming in through webinars. People hit the website. You’re probably working the chat. Right? What’s the balance in your opinion, between having to do the, in my experience, there’s a lot of friction. That some of these SDR teams create by having kind of a junior [00:19:00] level rep, and then you’re going to get all that information, turn around and pass that off to somebody else.
[00:19:07] And a lot of times you’re collecting some, if you’re the buyer, you’re collecting a lot of information and in the buyer’s mind, at least in my mind, I’m like, You know, that’s all about you. Not about me. You’re putting, you’re taking me through the pain funnel because you want to take me through the pain funnel.
[00:19:25] Not because you’re listening to what, what I want, and you’re trying to fill out all these questions that are good for you. Not necessarily pertinent for me. What’s the balance. What are your thoughts on, you know, how, how do you get somebody. Through the inbound call, transfer them to an account rep and do it with the most or the least amount of friction possible.
[00:19:48] Luis: [00:19:48] Yeah, happy. And I’ve been thinking about this for some time ever since I started my role in, um, in user testing. So I think the problem and let me rephrase that. So in a way, [00:20:00] the deck is stacked against us, right? Because people request a free trial. They did, they have done some research and they just contacted the company, right.
[00:20:08] The software company or whatnot, and they just want to. No something and some, you know, that’s what we there for, but the problem is our job. Isn’t really to pass that to an account executive, let’s make sure we’re qualifying them in the way to qualify. And the way to find that we helping them is by asking a lot of good questions.
[00:20:30] And I learned, and, you know, within my experience at user testing, I learned I was, I was because, you know, my curiosity, I started to ask solution consultants. About how they demo the product.
[00:20:43] Brad: [00:20:43] And so there are solution consultants on your team?
[00:20:47] Luis: [00:20:47] They were, they obviously, they don’t, I don’t work with them. That kind of executive works with them, but then my job, my, my idea was okay, what happens after the first call and the third call, obviously stage zero and Bob all the [00:21:00] way through close one, but I was like, you know what?
[00:21:02] Let’s. Wait a second. What happens if I apply the same methodology that, you know, along the sales cycle there, they use it. And solution consultants are very good at asking these detail crafted questions. And I did that in, you know, imagine you request a trial, right? Or you download it and I call you a brat.
[00:21:24] They, the bad thing will be for me to tell you, I noticed you downloaded a blah, blah, blah. You obviously interested. Obviously that isn’t a question and that’s where all this that’s where the friction is created, that you’re referring to and did the ideal job will be, you know, people are people that done that normally interested, but I might be wrong.
[00:21:44] And just tell me a little bit more about what, you know, being, being in this mind. Yeah. So that you’re asking questions to find out what the problem is. And may, it may be that we can help you. But we’re going to find that out because my problem would be by creating that friction and be like, Oh, well, [00:22:00] do you are interested?
[00:22:01] Let’s make a call. And then they kind of take it is going to find out that that was no help.
[00:22:06] Brad: [00:22:06] Yeah. I know from my, my experience I feel like there’s a lot of friction that’s created when people come through and I’ll just sort of call it out. Uh, they take you through training. They teach you the Sandler pain funnel.
[00:22:20] And then you come out on your foot, you know, you’ve never sold anything. And now you’re out there really asking, uh, inauthentic questions. And so somebody calls up and says, you know, you sell Hammond, you sell hammers and you say, well, why do you want a hammer? Well, cause I want to nail something like what?
[00:22:38] That’s a, that’s not an authentic, that’s not an authentic question because you know that I’m trying to hit a nail or you know, that I’m trying to hit something. Cause I’m trying to get a hammer. Right. Um, and, and I think some of that is probably trying to, you know, buyers were coming into the journey very well educated, right?
[00:22:54] Like most people are talking to, you may actually know more about your [00:23:00] product than, you know, if you’ve just started. And so I think it’s really important. I got cancer just from my experience. I can’t stress the importance of like genuine curiosity and really being interested. Cause there’s nothing like getting stuck in a Sandler pain funnel, like right out of a date.
[00:23:17] And like, you don’t know each other and you’re trapped and they’re beating you down with the problem and they’re not listening. They’re just asking you the questions.
[00:23:25] Luis: [00:23:25] Exactly. And the good thing you asked me about being. And you’re going to come back to that for sure. But being away from home. So at the beginning I was talking too fast, right?
[00:23:35] Like, Hey, this is Luis. I’m calling from blah, blah, blah. And I was like, you know what, first off, if I speak slowly, I might be able to put the sentence together in a way that makes sense. Second, the people are normally pretty nice. They want hung up just. Take a leap of faith and make yourself, um, do you know, you know, ask good questions, but talk slowly.
[00:23:56] So that was one thing that helped me. So I was able to turn things around, I believe.
[00:24:00] [00:24:00] Brad: [00:24:00] Um, okay, so let’s talk about, let’s kinda double click or hone in on the being away from home. What, what were the disadvantages from not being in your hometown and what were the advantages.
[00:24:15] Luis: [00:24:15] I think that the disadvantages was, I didn’t have a place to relax, but yet again, I. Thing. That is an advantage, because for instance, when I was put on, on for low ma I noticed many people just, you know, they, you know, this is a paid vacation, it was just relaxed. And I was like, you know, you never know what’s going to happen.
[00:24:36] If you know, the pandemic goes for four years, I’m going to be, um, I’m sure they’re gonna let me go. So I’m going to start looking for work right now. So for that reason, when I was at hae summit, I was keep looking for opportunities because you never know what’s going to happen. So I think. It gave me the ability to be super proactive all the time.
[00:24:58] And the [00:25:00] downside to that is you never feel like super comfortable, like, Oh, you know, my parents are here. Worst case scenario, just go and live with them. I can’t do that. I will have to move across the, across the Atlantic to be able to do that. But. To be able to, to be fair. That’s something that has worked for me because I think I need those, those mechanism first myself, because I could be somehow disorganized, somehow distractive.
[00:25:25] So the way I see it is a win-win for me. Um, all
[00:25:29] Brad: [00:25:29] right. What is the biggest, what do you, what would you consider to be the most adverse situation that you’ve had to overcome as your role as a salesperson?
[00:25:40] Luis: [00:25:40] Probably. The biggest thing that I had to overcome is it is okay if you leave silence to do the work.
[00:25:50] So if you ask me a question and I rushed to answer to you, I’m going to give you a crappy answer. But then if, and this, you know, we’re having a conversation and we [00:26:00] knew this, but when I call, call you, I need to be able to establish a decent rapport within the first couple of seconds, you know, first 10 seconds.
[00:26:09] And then. I shall just bring the whole thing down and be very casual and it is okay. Not to feel the space with words, because maybe they’re thinking about it. And they’re going to tell me more that I will have ever imagined. They will tell me if I just keep talking like crazy. So I think it is okay to shut up.
[00:26:27] I think that is, that is the, the main thing that I had to overcome. I wanted to chip in any time and ask question and it seems smart. You know, you know what you are, right. And you know what you are worth in a way. There are things there are times in which you need to prove yourself, but you prove yourself through work and through your own performance.
[00:26:46] And that’s been, that’s been a thing that I have been thinking about for a long time and I’ve been trying to implement it when I work.
[00:26:54] Brad: [00:26:54] Okay. Awesome. Well, let me, so let me ask you this. What’s the one thing that you’re the most passionate about right now?
[00:27:00] [00:27:00] Luis: [00:27:00] So I’m very curious in, in learning about, you know, anything I like history.
[00:27:04] And then I like, uh, cultures are like people and because people carry their cultures and their learning, I naturally interested in them. So if I have a conversation with you, Brad, that will be interested in, okay, what do you do in your free time? And I might be able to uncover things that you know, are causing pain for you.
[00:27:20] So I think learning. Many things that are interested to me, I’m not just kind of lean up to them. I’m just draw myself as him.
[00:27:33] Brad: [00:27:33] I hope you guys enjoyed that session a much as I did. A couple of key takeaways that I got, the first one is the importance of being not having home field advantage and what that does and what that forces you to do, which is really forces you to get out of your comfort zone. In, in do over plan. So I think that was the big takeaway that I got from Luis.
[00:27:58] I think the other thing [00:28:00] is it’s easy to tell yourself, give yourself excuses and you gotta be really careful of what that talk track is in your mind. It’s probably super helpful to write some of those down. I know I get caught. I get caught up in those things as well. And so I think the big takeaway from him is from this conversation was his ability to identify.
[00:28:21] That he had a negative conversation going on and then being able, like whether he did it consciously or intentionally or unintentionally, he was able to flip that and make the most of it. So he talks about being from Mexico, being in the UK. Um, struggling to speak English, uh, letting that be his identity on why he potentially couldn’t do the job well.
[00:28:44] And he’s able to flip that around so whatever you’re dealing with, light those talk drive down, uh, think about how you can overcome it. It’s easy to get in your own way, and it’s easy to come up with excuses. Um, If you’ve enjoyed this podcast, I’ve been having several [00:29:00] conversations with, um, people who are listening to the podcast every week.
[00:29:04] Uh, it’s been really enjoyable to hear how this has been beneficial. Um, if it’s been beneficial to you, we love reviews on Apple podcast. Um, and if you want to continue to get this great information, go to monsterconnect.com/podcast. And as always don’t let what you can’t do interfere with what you can. Until next time. .
[00:00:00] Luis: [00:00:00] And I felt so inexperienced, right? These people, you know, English is their first language. Sometimes I struggle. What helps me, I think is the attitude that I have and the energy. But somehow I struggle in terms of comparing myself to other people. I think that was the story I was telling myself that I wasn’t good enough.
[00:00:20] Brad: [00:00:20] Welcome to Decision Point, a podcast about overcoming adversity in sales and the growth that we experienced in the process. I’m Brad Seaman.
[00:00:30] All right. I think you guys are going to be excited today to learn about Luis Calixto. He moved from Mexico, and spent a little time in the UK and eventually moved there. And during his time of travels, he will take a couple of BDR jobs and he’ll eventually find himself a GitLab. I think you guys are gonna be super excited to learn about his story. So without further ado, let’s go.
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